Andrew Brodsky


Journal Articles

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Blunden, H. & Brodsky, A. (2024) “A review of virtual impression management behaviors and outcomes.” 50(6), 2197-2236. Journal of Management.

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Brodsky, A.*, Lee, M. J.*, & Leonard, B. (2022). “Discovering new frontiers for dyadic and team interaction studies: Current Challenges and an open-source solution—SurvConf—for increasing the quantity and richness of of interactional data.” 8(3), 337-340. Academy of Management Discoveries. 

  • *Equal author contribution, alphabetical order
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Brodsky, A. (2021). “Virtual surface acting in workplace interactions: Choosing the best technology to fit the task.” Journal of Applied Psychology. 106(5), 714–733.

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Blunden, H.* & Brodsky, A.* (2021). “Beyond the emoticon: Are there unintentional cues of emotion in email?” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 47(4), 565-579.

  • *Equal author contribution, alphabetical order.
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Brodsky, A., & Amabile, T. M. (2018). The downside of downtime: The prevalence and work pacing consequences of idle time at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(5), 496-512.

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Parke, M. R., Weinhardt, J. M., Brodsky, A., Tangirala, S., & DeVoe, S. E. (2018). When daily planning improves employee performance: The importance of planning type, engagement, and interruptions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(3), 300-312.

Books and Chapters

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Brodsky, A. (2025). PING: The Secrets of Successful Virtual Communication. New York: Simon & Schuster/Simon Acumen.

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Brodsky, A. (2024). Communicating authentically in a virtual world. In, Writing, Presenting, and Communicating with Confidence. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing.

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Brodsky, A. (2017). Writing Resonant Emails. In, HBR Guide to Emotional Intelligence. Boston: Harvard Business Review.

Other Publications

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Brodsky, A. (2024). The Secrets to Making a Good Virtual Impression. The Wall Street Journal.

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Brodsky, A. & Tolliver, M. (2022). No, remote employees aren’t becoming less engaged. Harvard Business Review (Digital Article).

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Brodsky, A. (2022). Communicating authentically in a virtual world. Harvard Business Review (Digital Article).

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Bernstein, E., Blunden, H., Brodsky, A., Sohn, W., & Waber, B. (2020). The implications of working without an office. Harvard Business Review, Big Idea Feature.

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Brodsky, A. (2015). The dos and don’ts of work email, from emojis to typos. Harvard Business Review (Digital Article).

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Brodsky, A. (2014). Slip of the keyboard: How unintentional cues convey email-sender emotions. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2014, No. 1, p. 16001). Academy of Management.